Effects of Hamstring Injury Prevention Programs

Hamstring injuries (HSI) are reported as one of the most common injuries in football. It is even stated that Hamstring injury rates are increasing in elite football. The long head of the biceps femoris is the most common part of the hamstring to be injured. HSI have been shown to effect more than one fifth of elite players during a season. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis has recently investigated the effectiveness of the injury prevention programs that included the nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) on reducing hamstring injury rates while factoring in the athletes workload.

Why is sitting so bad?

The saying, “Sitting is the new smoking” should come as no surprise with most of us spending over a 1/3 of our days seated. We’re living in a sedentary world and our bodies aren’t designed to be seated all day every day. This will eventually lead to altered mechanics and muscle imbalances within the body and even other…

Shockwave Therapy

SHOCKWAVE THERAPY: An Effective Adjunct to Treatment

If you’re not already aware, ABSOLUTE HEALTH SOLUTIONS has purchased a new Shockwave Therapy machine and so far to date has been getting amazing results with our patients. Shockwave therapy has been around for 25 years and works great for those difficult-to-treat, painful overuse or sports injuries. It was initially used for breaking up kidney…