Shockwave Therapy

SHOCKWAVE THERAPY: An Effective Adjunct to Treatment

If you’re not already aware, ABSOLUTE HEALTH SOLUTIONS has purchased a new Shockwave Therapy machine and so far to date has been getting amazing results with our patients. Shockwave therapy has been around for 25 years and works great for those difficult-to-treat, painful overuse or sports injuries. It was initially used for breaking up kidney…

Are soccer injuries more common on synthetic surface than natural grass? – Dr Andrew Ullo (Chiropractor) 

Are soccer injuries more common on synthetic surface than natural grass?

Ever since the introduction to synthetic fields, aka FieldTurf or Astroturf, there has been the controversy about the use of artificial grass playing surfaces compared to natural grass when it comes to injuries. A lot of players and coaches believe that the synthetic turf leads to more injuries, whereas others believe it’s safer. In spite…

Injury Prevention Programs

How to Prevent Soccer Injuries

Soccer, also commonly known as Football or Fußball, is one of the most popular sports in the world, with more than 240 million players in 2000. The purpose of this article is to provide some insight and guidelines regarding the design and implementation of prevention and rehabilitation programs, such as proprioception training, education for coaches…


Cortisone Injections for Musculoskeletal injuries

Cortisone is the name used to explain a group of drugs normally known as corticosteroids. Cortisone is one type of corticosteroid. Cortisone injections are commonly used for injury management to drastically decrease pain and reduce inflammation. What Conditions Are Cortisone Injections Used For? In respect to musculoskeletal issues, cortisone injections are administered to reduce pain and…