Do ACL reconstructions prevent youth Football Players from making the elite level? – Dr Andrew Ullo (Chiropractor)

Regardless of having a serious injury or not, it’s extremely difficult becoming a professional athlete in a chosen sport. An ACL tear for the young athlete may seem like a massive hurdle to becoming a professional player. However, a recent study from Sweden shows that youth soccer players who suffer an ACL tear and undergo…

massage gun

Should you pull the trigger and get a massage gun? – Dr Andrew Ullo (Chiropractor)

Percussion massage guns are gaining popularity among athletic communities and creeping into rehab clinics. Marketers claim that they improve performance, aid in recovery, promote relaxation, break up scar tissue, speed up healing, and more. However, a literature search reveals only two articles concerning the efficacy or use of these devices.   An Austrian study, which…

hip and groin injury

Do Niggles Matter? – Dr Andrew Ullo (Chiropractor)

As we know, football is one of the most popular sports in Australia and across the world. Thankfully this means that there has been plenty of research when it comes to injuries and injury prevention. One new study that was done in Australia, aimed at investigating the impact and prevalence of non-time loss injuries in…

injury prevention

Jumping back into the gym after Iso? Here’s some tips to do it safely….

So many people are so excited that gyms are reopening across Australia as coronavirus restrictions ease. Now, before we pick up the kettlebell once again, we might need to be cautious. During the last 12 weeks, a lot of us have been more sedentary than before and some of us working from home have missed…